Enhance Your Fitness.

Enhance Your Motherhood.

Let me guess, you’re here because you’re tired of not feeling like yourself? Tired of having low energy? Feeling low on confidence? Maybe you’re just trying to find YOU again after having kids?

Girl, I GET IT!

I’ve been there, too. Motherhood can be hard and exhausting. You spend your days taking care of everyone and everything. But let me ask you this… Who’s taking care of you?

While taking care of our family is the greatest (but yet hardest) gift in life, it’s hard to do if you’re not taking care of YOU, too.

We’ve all heard it, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Although, as mothers, it can seem like that’s something we’re always doing. But what if I told you that taking care of you first, allows you to take better care of the ones you love? That by taking care of you it will leave you feeling energized, refreshed, and more productive, instead of tired, irritated, and overstimulated.

Sounds crazy, I know — But it is possible!

Hi, I’m Katie!

I started working out from home 5 years ago. I knew something needed to change. I was not showing up as the mother I wanted to be. I was quick to get irritated, feeling tired all the time, and I just wasn’t happy with myself.

I started out with just a pair of 10lb dumbbells. I would follow along to some random videos I found on YouTube, or just did a conglomeration of whatever exercises I did know. And you know what? It felt good. It felt good to exert some pent up energy, get my blood flowing, and just relieve some of the stress that motherhood brings.

So, I did it again the next day. And the next. And I kept showing up for ME. It wasn’t long before I started seeing the effects that it had on me as a mom. I was more patient. I was less irritated by the little things. I had more energy to keep up with my kids. I was feeling more confident. I was wanting to eat healthier.

I was feeling the changes and I was hooked!

So I dug more into home workouts and figuring it out, and finding ways to incorporate movement and healthy meals into my busy days.

During those 5 years I’ve learned, and I’ve failed, and I’ve gotten back up, and I’ve learned some more. And now I want to share all of that with you!

I want to help YOU find yourself in motherhood again, get your confidence back, and increase your daily energy.

I know what you’re thinking… How am I going to have time for that?

All you need is 20 minutes. And you DO have 20 minutes in your day. (Take a look at the screen time on your phone once…that’s always a good reality check.)

Next, take a look at your mindset. Instead of looking at it “as another thing to do”, look at it as “something to help improve the things you do”. Because that’s exactly what it will do. It will help you improve your day to day living, improve your wellbeing, boost your mood, increase your energy, decrease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost your immune system, give you more confidence, and the list goes on!

Make a promise to yourself for ONE WEEK. For that one week schedule a workout into your day. After that one week see how you feel. I am so confident that you will feel changes that I am giving you that week of workouts FREE.

What do you have to lose?